In collaboration with the HCL Foundation, LEARN started a new project in 2020 with the vision of building a grassroots women-led collective in Nagpur’s slums. We are now in the process of creating SHGs of poor women in the city, which will foster upskilling opportunities, capacity building workshops and frequent peer-learning sessions. We envision that these SHGs of women in Nagpur slums will nuture women’s leadership at the grassroots, gradually leading them to enhance livelihood strategies collectively, increase their employability, create a sense of solidarity and support among women, and improve their chances of a dignified life.

Nurturing Grassroots Women’s Leadership and Strengthening Women’s Collectives in Nagpur- A Baseline Report
by Indira Gartenberg, Aarohi Damle and Adiba Saher | August 28, 2020




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